Wed, 05 February 2003 New set list page
I made a new page just for set lists. It's up there in the menu. Thanks to all the folks who collect them, remember them, and post them on: Sleater-Kinney Concert Reviews, the forum, and the words and guitar yahoo list.
I noticed the song, "Was It a Lie?" from All Hands on the Bad One on the 2-4-03 set list. That's it's only appearance on my set list page. So I listened to it seriously for the first time today. I'm trying to tab it. It's not obvious that there is an easy way to play the main riff. If there is, maybe it will come to me. The 2nd guitar plays a C# sus4, B5, A5, B major chord progression. (It's almost the chord progression to "All Along the Watchtower." The sus4 and major chord wouldn't work on a fuzzed up guitar. I guess part of the S-K charm is rocking without total dependence on distorted power chords.
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Copyright (c) 2002 Terry Kearns. All rights reserved.