TK's Sleater-Kinney pages

TK's Sleater-Kinney pages

Thu, 13 February 2003
S-K and the Smashing Pumpkins

I heard "1984" by the Smashing Pumpkins this morning.  I always enjoy it.  Today I realized that it's a Sleater-Kinney song: three different bubbling 8th note riffs, sad / optimistic mood, a call and response verse, a definite beginning and end.  But the memorable part is the bridge.  Even though it's a very subtle change from the chorus riff it moves the song somewhere else.  That's a S-K and Pumpkin trademark.

The Pumpkins have some great songs but even the most bombastic ones are simple and subtle.  I think S-K is moving towards that simplicity and elegance: getting more done with ecomomy.  Of course, your results may vary.

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