TK's Sleater-Kinney pages

TK's Sleater-Kinney pages

Fri, 09 May 2003
Thanks to Kara

Kara sent me a really nice note today about the guitar tabs and I really appreciate it.  Thanks, Kara and to all the other folks who've written me and have suggested tabs. I want you to know that your comments make my day. I hope I'm worthy from time to time.

Guitar tabs for indie groups are usually done on shoestring websites by busy students.  They may last a little longer that the groups themselves. They often just fade away.

I plan on keeping these here for as long as I'm alive and can keep paying my hosting bill.  That's a few more years yet. I hope my children will keep it going after that.  I think the S-K songs will still be good a few decades out.

The views expressed within this site pretty much represent those of the author.
Copyright (c) 2002 Terry Kearns. All rights reserved.