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Grady PTSA Fundraising

Last year the PTSA raised over $35,000 for its annual operating budget. That money  helps fund the general PTSA budget which in turn provides money for teacher grants, faculty support, parent communications, the arts council, yearbook, music programs, and many more vital areas. The majority of these funds come from Grady's most unique resource, the parking lots.

This year the PTSA has set a much more ambitious goal, and we need your help to reach it. We are raising parking fees to $10.00 for most events at Piedmont Park, and we need volunteers to collect fees and direct cars in the three lots around Grady. Please volunteer for a two- or three-hour shift. Students get community service credit, and parents have a great opportunity to be involved in their students' school.  Upcoming events include the following:

  1. Montreaux Atlanta Music Festival--September 1-3 (1 p.m. to 9 p.m.)
  2. Avon 3-Day Breast Cancer Closing Ceremony--October 7 (1 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
  3. AIDS Walk Atlanta--dates TBA

To volunteer, please call Joe Giardina at 404-885-1071 or email him at or Kevin McGlynn at 404-872-6643 or   Also remember to use your Kroger and Publix commitment cards.

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