*GradyGram* Mail Archive
***Every student was given a parent survey to deliver home this week. The survey is called The 2001-2002 HiPlaces
ASSESSMENTS. Ask you student for the survey package. Please complete the survey and return it in the envelope by
FEBRUARY 1, 2002.
Grady High School is working to improve ways that schools and families can help each other and help all students succeed in school. If you are interested in seeing the results for Grady from last years survey go to
www.ncpe.uri.edu and enter the password MURNET01.
** Tell your friends about GradyGrams, particularly 9th grade parents
and students. Email me (Terry) at gradyproject@aol.com
and I will sign up for you.
Thu. Jan 24
- School of Communications Advisory Board meeting
- 4:00 Grady Comedy Improv Group will
perform on Thursday, January 24 at 4 p.m. in the Theater, for anyone who
needs a good laugh or two to start the year. First people to arrive
will get cookies!
- 6:00 pm Buildsmart update on plans for Inman Middle
School. Those scheduled to speak are Chuck
Engstrom, Valerie Thomas, Jere Smith and Gloria Patterson, and others
may be added. Inman Middle School Auditorium
- 7:00 Financial Workshop for Junior and Senior parents. Diane
Floyd, a Grady Parent with expertise in the field of financial aid, will
lead the discussion. This workshop will feature the FAFSA
(scholarship application) line-by-line.
Fri. Jan 25
- Barkley Forensics Tournament
- 5:00 pm Varsity Basketball @Carver
Sat. Jan 26
- SAT I and II at various schools around but not at Grady
- 10:00 am Varsity Cheerleader's Competition Squad will participate in
the GA. High School Regional Cheerleading Competition at Sandy Creek
High School. Please come out and support our Cheerleaders.
- Barkley Forensics Tournament
- 10:00 JV Basketball vs Crim @home
- 5:00 pm Varsity Basketball vs Crim @home
Sun. Jan. 27
- Barkley Forensics Tournament
Mon. Jan 28
- The 2001-2002 HiPlaces Assessment for Grady High is a school-wide
survey of the Grady High School constituents. The survey, part of the
total efforts of the Atlanta Public School System for all of its
member schools, will be conducted during the week of January 28, 2002.
Parents/Guardians surveys and "Consent Forms" for student
participation will be sent by students to their homes the prior week.
Completed Parent Surveys may be returned to the Homeroom teacher or
deposited in a DROP BOX in the main office.
School-wide Student participation is scheduled for Wednesday,
January 30. All teachers, counselors and administrators will
also be administered surveys during the week.
- 6:00 Grady Foundation Monthly Board Meeting
Tue. Jan. 29
- 6:00 pm Varsity Basketball vs Decatur @home
- Senior Knight at the basketball games, honors all senior
athletes of winter sports
Wed. Jan. 30
Thu. Jan. 31
- 7:00 Perspective Parent/Student Coffee. All 7th & 8th grade parents/students interested in the School of Communication - The Magnet Program At Grady High School are invited to an evening coffee to hear about the magnet program and meet the faculty.
Hosted by Ginny Looney and Steve Suitts, 737 Myrtle St. Call 404-892-7051 for more information.
Fri. Feb 1
- 8:15am Counselor's support group meeting, Media Center
Sat. Feb. 2
- State Cheerleading Championship
- 6:00 Varsity Basketball @South Forsyth
Tue. Feb 5
- 6:30 Monthly PTSA Board Meeting, media center
**We know there are many more events that the Grady Community wants to know about. Please help us by sending event notices and calendars to
Terry Kearns
For future *GradyGrams*