- A real estate lease purchase company.
- A 600 member church - bank reconciliation project.
- A software development company
- An investment group.
- A sculptor and artist loft manager
- Vending / Laundry company
- A Restaurant
- Manufacturing firm with 18 employees.
- Real estate consulting and development firm with 5
- Mothers "morning out" child care
organization with 10 employees
- Private school for 20 employees and 60 students.
- Private school with 25 employees and 140 students.
- Church with 15 employees and 400 members.
- Church with 10 employees and 250 members.
- Church with 5 employees and 150 members.
- Church with 5 employees and 150 members - Straighten
up accounting records and implement new accounting
- Professional services consulting firm with 4
- A law office with 2 lawyers and one staff person.
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