September 9, 2005 MLPA eBlast: Hurricane Relief Garage/Bake Sale, Membership Survey and Volunteer Solicitation, Dues Discussion, Neighborhood Party, Beltline meetings
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Hurricane Relief Garage/Bake Sale
The Virginia Highlands Morningside Parents association is hosting a Garage/ Bake Sale for Hurricane relief. All proceeds will go directly to the Red Cross. Please come out to support your neighborhood and this worthy cause.
The sale will be this SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH at ROCK SPRINGS PRESBYTERIAN (Piedmont & Montgomery Ferry, across from Fat Matt's), from 10-2.
We will also be collecting PERSONAL HYGIENE ITEMS -- toothbrushes and paste, soap, shampoo, razors, undergarments, toilet tissue, shaving cream, etc . . . to be given to the Adamsville shelter set up for evacuees.
Lastly, additional VOLUNTEER HELP is also needed. For Saturday, there are three four-hour shifts:
- 6:30-10:30
- 8:30-12:30
- 11-3.
There are great volunteer opportunities for MIDDLE-GRADERS AND TEENAGERS, so if you have some or know of any, send them our way!!
Feel free to e-mail or telephone (4.875.7156) with any questions! And feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you may know who is interested in any of the needed capacities!
Membership Survey and Volunteer Solicitation MLPA is gearing up for the fall membership drive and we need some help. Whether you can help a little or a lot, we urge you to lend a hand. All is appreciated and will help us make this time fun and a great experience for our neighborhood!!!
Party Chair / Volunteers We want to throw the neighborhood a party!!! This will be an event to thank the returning members and hopefully lure in those that have not renewed/joined. All in the neighborhood will be welcome.
We are looking at a date in November. We have local businesses who have tentatively committed to doing a fashion show with wine and snacks. Some of our additional ideas include:
- A kids craft table
- Door prizes from local businesses
- Music from Inman or Grady students
These are just a few ideas for the event, it's new and we can do it any way we want, so if you have a different take on it or a new idea, let's hear it. This will be great fun and more than one person can chair or if you can just volunteer to assist the chair, come on!! This is a great way to be involved if you have little time, there are so many little jobs here and it's a one time event.
Welcome Packet We would like to have a welcome to the neighborhood packet ready to go by the November party. This would be a packet with neighborhood info (local businesses, local government information, MLPA info etc. ) that could be given to new members. Also, we would like this volunteer or volunteers to maintain the packet and send it out to new folks (once every 2 months) who move in to our neighborhood. Most of this packet has already been created, the work will be in organizing it and the hour or so sending it out every 2 months.
Please respond to Alex at or Dayna at if you can help and thanks in advance for you consideration.
REMINDER: MLPA Needs Your Help We need your help to make the MLPA serve our neighborhood better. Please copy the link below and place it in your browser (or, if you're lucky, just click on the link set out below) and take our short survey. Please feel free to forward to any neighbors who may not be MLPA members or receive this email message.$3871174844
Speaking of MLPA and serving the neighborhood... The present plan for the next MLPA Board meeting (Monday Sept. 12th, 7:30 pm, Morningside Presbyterian Church) is to set aside a period of time to discuss possible revision of MLPA and MSP dues and membership structure for 2006. Proposals circulated include raising dues across the board, eliminating Senior discounts, eliminating MLPA dues completely and making all neighborhood residents members of MLPA
(while increasing benefits for MSP members), and keeping things the same.
If you have opinions or would simply like to hear the discussion, please attend the meeting. If you can't attend and would like to share your opinions ahead of time, please feel free TO TAKE THE SURVEY NOTED ABOVE and to communicate other thoughts directly to this email address.
Message from Anne Fauver:
I continue to have many questions about Tax Allocation Districts (TAD) related to the Beltline. I have arranged for an impartial group of experts to come and answer any questions that you may have. I will be having an informational meeting on September 13th @ 6:30p.m. - 8:30p.m. at First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta in the fellowship hall. The church is located at 1328 Peachtree St.
The following speakers will be present:
- David L. Sjoquist, Director, Fiscal Research, Georgia State University
Carolyn Bordeaux, Asst. Professor of Public Administration, Georgia State University
John Matthews, visiting Professor of Public Administration
I know this is very short notice, but please feel free to come and bring your questions.
Anne Fauver
Councilmember, District 6
City of Atlanta
55 Trinity Ave., SW
Atlanta, GA 30335
404-330-6049 ofc.
404-658-6073 fax
Message from Beltline Neighbors Coalition:
MARTA Inner Core Alternatives Analysis Kicks-Off - Meetings Scheduled
The MARTA Inner core (Beltline/C-Loop) Alternatives Analysis is a follow up to the Feasibility Study that was completed in February of this year. It will sharpen and further document the need for a major investment in transit in the inner core of the Atlanta Region.
Work on the Alternatives Analysis has begun and the first round of public meetings has been scheduled. The involvement of the public will be emphasized throughout the Alternatives Analysis process.
Your continued input into this process is needed. Please plan to attend one of the five meetings as highlighted below. Also, you are encouraged to visit the MARTA website at <> for additional information such as the report of the Inner Core Feasibility Study, the Feasibility Study Executive Summary, the most recent newsletter and this schedule of meetings.
Also, please forward this information to other interested parties. Thank you for your participation!
- Senior Citizens Services
1705 Commerce Dr. NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
Tuesday, September 20
6:00pm - 8:00pm
MARTA Bus Route 37
- Georgia Hill Neighborhood Facility
250 Georgia Avenue SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30312
Thursday, September 22
6:00pm - 8:00pm
MARTA Bus Route 97
- Mall at West End
850 Oak St.
Atlanta, GA 30310
Monday, September 26 6:00pm - 8:00pm
(ADA access on Dunn St.)
West End MARTA Station
North Avenue Presbyterian Church
607 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, GA 30308
Tuesday, September 27 6:00pm-8:00pm
North Avenue MARTA Station
- Rollins School of Public Health
Emory University
1518 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30322
Thursday, September 29
4:00pm - 6:00pm
MARTA Bus Route 6 or 245
Also, we'd like to remind you to take a moment to visit the BeltLine Neighbors Coalition Petition for Responsible BeltLine Planning and add your signature in support, if you haven't already.
We encourage you to refer others to the petition site to add their support.
As we wait for the finishing touches on the BNC website (thanks for your many helpful responses!), the text of the BNC petition serves as a good simple summary of BNC's general mission, for those who'd like to know more about it.
Thank you!
CINS' Principals' Forum - 9/14, noon, Walden Middle School The Council of Intown Neighborhoods and Schools (CINS) will hold its annual Principals' Forum on September 14 at noon at Walden Middle School. Principals from each of the 11 Grady cluster schools will
share school news and plans for the coming year. Please join us to hear about your neighborhood schools. The meeting is free and open to the community. Lunch will be available for $5. It will be held:
The Council of Intown Neighborhoods and Schools (CINS) is a not-for-profit organization working to empower public schools in the Grady High School cluster while enhancing neighborhoods in the heart of
Atlanta, Georgia. For more information on CINS and its mission, please visit:
Clearing out The Wildwood Now that the dog days of summer are almost past us, with cooler temperatures ahead, come join your neighbors in helping to clear out The Wildwood and continue its transformation into an urban greenspace that will make our neighborhood proud!
The next volunteer day is September 17th from 9-noon. Bring your work gloves and water. Meet at 1941 Wellbourne Drive, NE.
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