Morningside / Lenox Park Association
Archive from July 10, 2000 to October 7, 2005 Click here to visit the current MLPA site.
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Minutes January 8, 2001

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Meeting called to order by Co-President Ross Mansbach at 7:40 PM.

Board Members in Attendance: Jodi and Ross Mansbach, Dianne Olansky, Norman McKay, Lee Kintzel, Ruth Alexander, Steven Rowell, David Garr, Bill Pardue, Michael Carroll, Judy Jameson, Mike McCool.

Minutes from December 2000 approved.

Lindbergh/MARTA October 1999 MLPA voted to send letter in support of Garden Hills opposition to the Bellsouth MARTA development plan. In November 2000 they asked for that letter --it had never been sent. Ross sent letter on behalf of MLPA that was included in Garden Hills lawsuit along with eleven other letters from surrounding neighborhoods. In December 2000 Peachtree Hills asked us to rescind our support - they have settled with the Lindbergh MARTA group and would like MLPA to consider supporting their position. Rob Novick and Bill Bozart from Garden Hills are in attendance at this meeting; Peachtree Hills declined to attend and rest on the merits of their letter. History of project as presented by Bill Bozar: a number of neighborhoods were working with MARTA Lindbergh to come to an agreement; Peachtree Hills reached an agreement. Garden Hills believes concessions were not enough and thought project was still too big. Settlement should bring in at least 8500 spaces, about 40,000 trips. 1,000 new homes, no accomodations for public lands. GH is willing to accept density and lack of amenities if they will hold to agreement of an urban transit area. They claim that the Peachtree Hills group settlement is currently being breached and that it is transit in name only. Their goal is to force MARTA to pull back and move forward with a less ambitious project based on exposure in hearings and other public forums. Motion to reaffirm: 9 in favor, 2 opposed, 2 abstain. Reaffirm October 1999 vote.

Development re: Wildwood II Jack Sibley representing Dan Metzler. Metzler has applied for a permit to build a subdivision in what is now called Wildwood II. Plans will be presented to NPU on Tuesday January 16 at 7:30. Later in the month they will present it to the city. Bureau of planning and site development people will determine whether it meets the subdivision ordinance. We have opportunity to present our views to the NPU and the city. The new subdivision is called Woodcliff Terrace and will consist of 23 lots on 31 acres. Entrance would be on Woodcliff Terrace. Lots are larger, homes will sell around $700,000-$800,000. Questions to Mr. Sibley: Will Floodplain remain? Yes, the floodplain will remain but area designated may shift. Mae Reich asked if all lots are R3. Yes. Michael Carroll asked what schedule they are on. Sibley said t hat they will begin as soon as they have permits (on Jan 31). Concern about the construction entrance to Woodcliff and whether trees will be going in and out of this area. Mr. Sibley did not know. Removal of 100 year old trees - have there been studies? Mr. Sibley believes that studies were done by urban forest. Concern about sewage issues, capacity of the street for construction, details of floodplains, wetlands. Mr. Sibley did not know answers to these questions. Neighbor concerned that Mr. Sibley is not knowledgeable about the plan and that his presence at this meeting was more form over substance. Neighbor expressed concern that this is only a subdivision ordinance. She believes that there must be some federal jurisdiction here. Motion to write letter stating our concerns to NPU and to the city. Second. Passed unanimously. Steve Rowell, Michael Carroll will speak to neighborhood representatives and write letter.

Committee Reports

Security (Judy Jameson): Officer Titus received a call during the meeting and was unable to return. No report. Mae Reich commended Security Patrol for the thoroughness of the vacation patrol. Suggestion made to run a copy of a sample report in the newsletter.

Beautification (Michael Carroll): Thanks to Morningside Garden Club for improvements to the traffic island at Johnson Road. Michael is stepping down due to time constraints but will stay on until a new Beautification chair is found.

Membership (Alan Perry, supplemental report post-meeting): Replacement found for Melissa Darrow, database manager moving out of neighborhood. Replacement is John Schwartz. Melissa thanked for her @ 2 years of work on the database.

Parks (David Robertson, report via email): Concern about home at 1794 Windemere and plans for extensive tree cuttings. The old house is to be torn down and a new mini mansion to be built by owner Sam Pignato of Metro Homes. Trees to be taken down have been marked. David is working with owner on the following to minimize tree loss: moving and reducing the 20 foot driveway to avoid a large oak and to try to save two more trees in the rear. Some of the tree loss will be replaced back on to the property. Because the total caliper of tree loss will not fit onto the property, he has asked Pignato to consider donated some trees for our parks and streets. David continues to work with the city arborist to save and replace as many trees as possible under current city law. Bill Pardue: The Parks Bureau will be furnishing new ballards for the entrance of Daniel Johnson Nature Preserve on Beech Valley Road. Two of the ballards will be of the removable type so Public Works can access the park if necessary and the remaining one will be stationery. Assistant Director Ken Gillette of the Parks Bureau will be getting estimates for the installation soon. A resident of Beech Valley Road will be furnishing a gingko tree for Beech Valley Park in consideration for a tree removed in their yard for an addition.

Schools (Joe Giardina): next CINS meeting January 17; Vincent Fort will be there.

Events: (Mike McCool): This year's Celebration of Summer will be May 25. Mike is looking for a co-chair.

Traffic (Dianne Olansky and Bill Ellis): Received check for traffic study, met with engineering firm, URS. Date for first workshop, February 10th at Morningside Presbyterian Church. Changes for the Rock Springs corridor on hold and will be included in the study. Use of laser device to track speeders in the neighborhood has yielded 92 citations gathered in only ten hours - highest were in the 50s.

Treasurers Report (Ruth Alexander): Report submitted. Board allocations meeting to be held on January 20th at the Mansbachs home.


V-00-426, 1465 Lanier Place. This application was "deferred" (committee vote 5-0-0).

V-00-427, 1242 Pasadena Ave. A variance to reduce the side yard setback from 7' to 3' to replace a storage shed. Committee voted to recommend approval (5-0-0) based upon the following conditions:

  1. Height no greater than 16'
  2. Plumbing limited to a hose bib
  3. Electrical service limited to 60 amps
  4. Footprint of the building be limited to 16' x 20'

Motion to approve. Second. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned by Ross Mansbach at 9:05 PM

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(c) Morningside / Lenox Park Association
Box 8156  Atlanta, Georgia  31106