Morningside / Lenox Park Association
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Minutes June 11, 2001

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President Dianne Olansky called the meeting to order at approximately 7:35 p.m.

Board members present were Dianne Olansky, Norman McKay, Ruth Alexander, Ross Mansbach, David Robertson, Judy Jameson, Bill Ellis, Bruce Maloy, Joe Giardina, Stephen Rowell, David Garr, Martha Porter Hall, Charlotte Gillis, Pat Gardner, Mike McCool. Approval of the May 2001 meeting minutes;

Dianne Olansky asked that Mae Reich be added to the Board members who attended the May meeting. With that amendment, the minutes were approved.

Security Patrol; Michael Carew reported that five membership applications were given out at Celebration of Summer. He asked whether pro rata membership of the Security Patrol was still an active option. Treasurer Ruth Alexander suggested that since MLPA has gone to a calendar (January 1-December 31) year, we should offer semi-annual pro rata membership in the patrol, for residents who want to join for less than 50% of the calendar year. The Security Patrol managers and the Treasurer will meet before the next meeting to discuss the issue and bring a recommendation to the Board at the next meeting.

Membership; Ross Mansbach reported that work on the next MLPA Locator is continuing. Jodi is addressing the database problems. On behalf of the Association, the Mansbachs hired two teenage residents at $6 per hour to distribute the Locator to members who had not picked up a copy. Several attendees expressed an interest in obtaining the names, addresses and phone numbers of the teenagers (Walker and Jacob Burkhardt, 937 E. Rock Springs Road, (404) 874-4886). A motion was made to approve a payment of $140 to the Burkhardts. The motion passed unanimously.

Newsletter; Martha Porter Hall asked that committee chairpersons submit committee reports to her and Van as soon as possible. She introduced Susan Drake, Contributing Editor, and Debbie Goldsmith, Business Manager. Martha reported that the Manager of the Belvedere, the new condominium on Dutch Valley Road had agreed to offer a one-year MLPA membership to each new owner and had asked about the possibility of a reduced membership rate, since this would be a total group of up to ninety memberships. A motion was made to give the condominium management company at the Belvedere a special one-year membership rate of $15 for new residents. The motion was passed unanimously.

Parks - David Robertson reported that the water connections in Beech Valley Park are operating. The water hookups in Lenox-Wildwood Park are currently up to City Code.

A teacher, parent and group of students from Morningside Elementary School took down the guard chain at Lenox-Wildwood Park, drove through the creek and onto the park area. President Olansky will arrange a meeting with David Robertson, her and the incoming Principal in order to discuss the work that the MLPA and Morningside Elementary School have done together, how we can work together in the future, and ask that members of the MES community observe No Parking signs in the parks, especially Lenox-Wildwood and Sunken Garden Parks.

Charlotte Gillis, co-chair of the Parks Committee stated that the silt fence installed at the construction project at Rock Springs and Morningside is down and that as a result of the heavy rains we have had, mud is running into the street at the site. Charlotte said that any such mud runoffs from construction should be reported to the City of Atlanta's Erosion Control office, Greg Gutzwiller and Aaron Jones, at (404) 330-6089 and/or (404) 330-6990. Charlotte will refer this information for distribution on the MLPA Bulletin Board.

Beautification: Pat Gardner reported that several of the Parks Adopters have agreed to continue for the 2001 year. Anyone interested in adopting a park and/or working on the Beautification Committee should contact Pat at (404) 873-6208.

Education: Joe Guardina stated that school is out and that he is in the process of determining who will be his contact next year at our three neighborhood public schools. He asked if anyone knew why Morningside and Inman Schools both have School Zone signs on the streets adjacent to the school, but there are none at Grady High. Bill Ellis, Traffic Committee Chair, pointed out that Grady is in Midtown, not Morningside. Beth Crowther from Cathy Woolard's office will investigate for us.

Special Events; Mike McCool reported that Celebration of Summer had a 20% increase in ticket sales over last year.

There were nine sponsors:

  • Publix Supermarket - Ansley Mall, 404-898-1850
  • FastSigns - 561 Peachtree St. NE, 404-724-0700
  • Greg Williamson - 14 West Realtors, 1411 N. Highland Ave., 404-874-6357
  • Mambo Restaurtante Cubano - 1402 N. Highland Ave., 404-876-2626
  • Sally Westmoreland - Coldwell Banker,1370 N. Highland Ave., 404-874-2262
  • Sara Wessling - Allstate Insurance, 1424-1 N. Highland Ave., 404-875-6743
  • Alon's Bakery - 1394 N. Highland Ave., 404-872-6000
  • Dale Modica - Harry Norman Realtors, 1531 Piedmont Rd., 404-897-5558
  • The Home Rebuilders - 1629 Monroe Dr., 404-876-3000

Tour of Homes; Zac Pasmanick is on vacation; Dianne Olansky delivered his report. The House committee is looking for houses for the tour and would appreciate suggestions. Norman McKay reported that Ansley Park has moved their tour to the week before ours. There was no clear conclusion that this would have any affect on our tour.

Traffic: Bill Ellis and Bruce Maloy, Traffic CoChairs, stated that the last URS traffic symposium will probably be in mid to late July. Ed Ellis at URS has completed the survey, and as soon as the results are analyzed and given to them, they will post the results on the MLPA website.

Sidewalks: Laura Mitchell gave the report for Lee Kintzel, who is on vacation. MLPA has used $1,000 for sidewalks so far this year. The Sidewalks Project is recommending that we hold $2,000 is reserve for future use and use the remainder to fix both sidewalks on North Highland, between University and Rock Springs, which would cost a total of $12,861.75. (This amount would include reimbursement to the three homeowners who have used MLPA funds to help in the cost of repairing their sidewalks.)

After some discussion, Ross Mansbach made a motion that we amend the budget for sidewalks to $14,391.25 and allocate the money to fix sidewalks on North Highland from University to Rock Springs. The motion passed, 8 in favor, 2 opposed, 2 abstaining.

Treasurer's Report; Ruth Alexander submitted a monthly financial report. A motion was made to approve a payment of $413 to fix the sidewalk in front of Morningside Presbyterian. Passed unanimously. Motion to pay for the printing of the Spring newsletter. Passed unanimously. Zoning - Stephen Rowell reported on the following Zoning cases:

V-01-103, 933 E. Rock Springs Road; requesting approval for a parking pad installed without a permit in the front yard. Zoning committee recommended denial. The applicant did not appear. Motion to recommend denial passed unanimously.

V-01-149, 1329 N. Highland Avenue; requesting approval for an existing parking pad in the front yard. Zoning committee recommended denial. The applicant did not appear. Motion to recommend denial passed unanimously.

V-01-163, 1028 Amsterdam Avenue; requesting reduction of the side yard setback for a garage. The zoning committee recommended approval with conditions. The motion to recommend approval passed with the following conditions: the side yard setback will not be less than one foot ; the footprint will not exceed twenty-two feet by twenty-four feet ; electricity will be limited to 60 amps; plumbing will be no more than a hose bib; height will not exceed sixteen feet and based on the site plan submitted, dated 5/2/2001.

V-01-175, 1528 N. Highland Avenue; requesting expansion of a carport. The Zoning Committee recommended approval based on the architectural plan submitted dated 5/1/01 and revised 5/30/01, height limited to sixteen feet, plumbing no greater than a hose bib, electricity limited to 60 amps, and height no more than sixteen feet. Motion to recommend approval passed.

V-01-182, 2139 Liddell Drive; Request to reduce the parking requirement for a business from eight spaces to six spaces. Motion was made to recommend approval of the reduction so long and the building remains with the current owner and retains the current use. The motion passed, 7 in favor, 1 opposed, 3 abstaining.

V-01-197, 1437 Johnson Road; request to reduce the half depth front yard setback in order to enclose an existing open porch. Motion to recommend approval passed.

V-01-202, 836 Yorkshire Road; A variance to reduce the rear yard setback from 15 ft. to 4 ft. and side yard 7 ft. to 2 ft. for the construction of a storage shed (Garden House). Motion to recommend approval based upon:

  1. The footprint of 10' x 10' as noted (sketched) on the site plan dated 1/04/90
  2. Height limited to 16'
  3. Electrical service limited to 60 amps
  4. Plumbing limited to a hose bib.

Motion passed.

New Business

Bylaws - Mae Reich has volunteered to rework the ByLaws. President Olansky asked that members of the Board review the existing Bylaws and make recommendations.

Logo: New vs. old. After discussion, David Robertson volunteered to work on the logo and bring a proposal to the next meeting.

County Millage Rate: Anyone interested in working for a reduction in the rate, contact Jannie Gerds in Midtown, who is working on it.

The Board then went into executive session to discuss Security Patrol financial issues.

Adjournment took place at @9:15 pm

NEXT MEETING IS TOMORROW NIGHT, 7:30, Morningside Presbyterian Church

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(c) Morningside / Lenox Park Association
Box 8156  Atlanta, Georgia  31106