The popular network of Jack Stations are offering movie studios an exclusive sponsor slot for a commercial free block of programming, Friday's, 12 noon to 8pm.
Ever since its debut, the Jack radio format has been taking off, attracting men and women of all ages. The now famous tag line "Playing What We Want"; a mix of cross generational play lists along with the never ending anecdotes & quips of Jack himself, has made the multi-station CBS combine a ratings success. So much so that the listenership has already surpassed the 5 million mark and continues to grow at an impressive rate.
Studios can now associate their movie releases with these unique stations via an eight hour block of programming on those all important Friday afternoons & early evenings when potential movie goers are most likely to make their choice of what movie to see, particularly on its opening night.
While specific details of the program are not yet available, packages will likely include promotional "tune ins" throughout the week leading up to Friday, with those ever popular and clever vignettes during the commercial free block, voiced by the irreverent Jack himself.
With marketers wanting less and less clutter in their campaigns, the Jack Radio offering is sure to catch the attention of movie executives as it continues to get tougher and tougher to entice movie fans into movie seats.
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