Parks committee
Parks / Environmental Affairs Co-Chairs
Charlotte Gillis 1055 Reeder Circle, 30306
Karen Schaefer 985 Courtenay Drive, 30306
With the approved budget in place the committee chairs implement the approved park improvements for the coming year.
The Parks committee is involved in coordinating parks improvements with MLPA neighbors, Scout troops, agencies, and the city of Atlanta Bureau of Parks.
The new playground equipment project for Noble Park and Sunken Garden Park was organized by surrounding MLPA park neighbors.
Park playground improvements were made by raising the needed money and coordinating installation through MLPA, NPU-F, Park Pride Atlanta, Park Pride, and the Atlanta Bureau of Parks.
Parks Committee Volunteer Opportunities include:
- Park Steward - Lead or be part of a team of neighbors to maintain a park in the neighborhood. Typical responsibilities include an annual grounds maintenance day. Parks Committee works in conjunction with Beautification Committee, which is responsible for the wonderful plantings we enjoy each year. The City of Atlanta's reduced budget makes this more critical than ever to maintaining the quality of our public spaces.
- Tree Planter - Assist with tree planting on annual free tree day! Haul supplies in your vehicle, plant, mulch, or water! Tree experts will be on hand to guide you every step of the way. Augment our aging tree canopy with new growth!
- Tree Protector - Alert Parks Committee to potential illegal cutting of trees in the neighborhood. We can train you on what to look for and who to call.
- Parks Advocacy - Joining other neighbors to represent MLPA at Tree Ordinance hearings and meetings to monitor proposed changes to the law and their effects on the community, participating in letter writing campaigns, etc.
Our Parks
Note:"It's The Law" When walking your dog in the parks please remember to pick up after your dog to help prevent contamination of our stream beds.
1. Beechvalley Park, 1281 Beech Valley Rd. is a large triangular park with beautiful trees and shaded play area.
2. Herbert Taylor and Daniel Johnson Nature Preserve, bordering Beech Valley Rd. and Johnson Rd. The families of the namesakes donated these two large natural parks to the city. There are paths in this natural woodland flood plan park. Stream beds and valleys like this park were typically left natural by early developers to prevent flooding. A beautiful rock formation is located in the streambed. We are lucky to have this natural undeveloped area in our neighborhood.
3. Hickory Grove Park. 1695 Homestead Ave. This is one of our many passive parks in the neighborhood. 300 daffodils were planted years ago. Now they have mature into springtime spectacular.
4.Homestead Park, 1755 Homestead Ave.
5. Lenox Wildwood Park, 1760/1746 Lenox Rd. This park is a continuation of Sunken Garden Park and the Morningside Nature trail. This park is the natural valley of the surrounding residential properties. A stream runs through this park with many aquatic wild life. Two tennis courts, Play ground and picnic area is in this park.
6. Morningside Nature Trail, Also known as Sussex Park, Located behind Sunken Garden Park and connects into Lenox/Wildwood Park. The Boy scouts have identified trees with markers and provide a bird watching map located at the entrance of the trail.
7. Noble Park, 1710 Noble Dr. Neighbors recently funded the new play equipment. An open play area is next to the playground. The large Black Gum tree in the park is the recipient of the Park Pride, Big tree award in 2001. It is over 8 feet in circumference,73 feet tall and has a 80 foot spread. So far it is uncontested.
8. Sidney Marcus Park, 786 Cumberland Rd. This is one of our largest parks. It is a byproduct of the I-485 road days that threatened to destroy the neighborhood in the 1970s.It is named after our late state senator who help fight the 1970 I-485 freeway that threatened our neighborhood.
9. Smith Park, 1571 Piedmont Ave. This park was donated and named after one of the developers of Morningside. Located in the center of the park is a small water pond and fountain, complete with fish and aquatic plants. Near the center of the park is a small plaque mounted to a rock, reading
James Robert Smith 1867-1926 Morningside Civic League Dedicates This Fountain July 22, 1932.
10. Sunken Garden Park, 1000 East Rock Springs Rd. This Park was cleared by the 1920's Lenox Park developers for a formal rose garden to promote county living outside the city. The residences that lived near the Park would send their gardeners down to Sunken Garden to tend the rose garden. Today this park has new play equipment that was sponsored by the surrounding neighbors. Over the years trees have been added to shade the playground in the hot summers. An open play area is in the front of the park.
11. Wildwood Gardens.735 Wildwood Rd. This park was transform from a Kudzu jungle to a natural nature trail and garden area at the front of the park. The park neighborhood adopters also tend the front traffic circle.
12. Woodrow Wilson Monument Park, located at the intersection of Morningside Dr and Rock Springs Rd. This park has a large monument dedicated to Woodrow Wilson. The plaque reads:
Atlanta Woman's Club- Woodrow Wilson The Elm And Crepe Myrtle Trees In This Park And On The Thorough-fares Were Planted And Dedicated By The Atlanta Woman's Club As A Living Memorial To Our Great States-man Woodrow Wilson, President Of The United States. March 4, 1913- March 4,1921. Commander In Chief Of His Country During The Great World War. Advocate of Permanent World Peace Through A League Of Nations Based Upon The Brotherhood Of Mankind. Born December 18, 1856-Died February 3, 1924. Dedicated this 25th Day of May 1924.
13. WildWood Urban Nature Preserve. This is our newest park addition. Bounded by Cheshire Bridge, Wellbourne Dr and Lenox Road. This park came about through the efforts of the surrounding neighbors.
14. Morningside Recreation Center Located next door to the Morningside Elementary School at Fordham Ct.
This Brand New Facility Offers:
Large Multi-Purpose Meeting Room
Kitchen Game Room
Full-Size Gymnasium
Soccer Field
After-School Programs Available Monday through Friday from 2:45 to 6:00 PM
Staffed with 15 to 1 Ratio
Activities include:
Computer Learning Lab
Homework Tutoring
Soccer, Basketball, Football, Hockey & Cheerleading
Arts & Crafts
Game Room & Movies
We are here to make sure that your child has a fun & safe place to learn and play. As a City of Atlanta Department of Parks and Recreation Center, we are able to offer this Wonderful Program at the Very Affordable Rate of $80/month!!
Adult Programs Offered Monday through Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 PM Your input is needed to complete our fall schedule! Suggested Programs: Men's Basketball, Co-ed Volleyball, Yoga & Aerobics
The Facility will be open on Saturdays for Community Members.
Reserve the Center for: Birthday Parties, Baby Showers, Neighborhood Meetings & Celebrations!
We invite you to come by to Meet the Staff and observe the Programs.
All Inquiries Regarding Programs should be directed to:
Ms Wanda Jackson, Facility Manager (404) 881-0174
Also many of the beautification traffic islands and circle Neighborhood markers are included in our green spaces and adopted by your neighbors.
Once a year we have our annual MLPA tree planting and mulching of trees in the parks. sponsors neighborheed tree plantings each year in February.
To register for a free tree for your yard or the neighborhood park of your choice, contact :
Karen Schaefer
MLPA works with Trees Atlanta, and Park Pride in coordinating the big task of keeping the neighborhood forested and parks in good shape. Park trees are planted as well as street tree plantings. If you would like a free street tree or one for your front yard in 2003 you can sign up for one at The TreeEagle web site is sponsored by MLPA to promote tree care and protection. The Atlanta tree ordnance is also located at this site.
Piedmont Park:
Rock Creek Watershed Alliance - Contact Charlotte Gillis at 404-876-4021