We've wanted a fountain for the foyer but JoAnn and I are scared off by water on the floor. We found plenty of great ones but they splashed. So, it was time to consider something else.
While we were shopping for our ottoman, chair, and sofa Gordon (and us after he called our attention to it) spotted this. As if you could miss it. This would be as good as a fountain and we could use it for office supplies. It got us looking at fountain alternatives.
At Horizon. It's 81" tall and way funky. Check out those curvy legs.
JoAnn went home while Gordon and I searched MANORism for alternatives. MANORism is a huge place with multiple fairly big vendors. Here are a couple of "important" things suitable for our entry.
It's a big, 3-D metal screen. No place for office supplies though.
The chest is beautiful and would hold office supplies.
The picture was cheap and we bought it for our bathroom.
We slept on it. I don't know; maybe it's the first thing or last thing that sticks in your mind. On Sunday, we bought the cabinet thing at Horizon.
What you see from the front porch.
We moved the kitchen rug to the entrance to get the idea of a rug.
The view from the office.
Honestly, I like the side view better than the front view.
Looking towards the office.
I can't get a picture of how good this really looks.
Turning to the left. See how the new thing matches the picture frame.
We can even use it with one door open and still store junk on the left side.
Looks great.
This is good. We now have 4 "important things" we could move around when we got bored.