I told you we bought a new sectional and decided to send it back the day we got it. Well, we called Gordon Stringer, our designer guy from way back. He hopes we can refurnish the whole living room for what we had paid for the couch. So we're on that ride again.
So far, he rearranged our living room furniture kitty cornered, put a quilt on the floor to get the idea of a rug. We're living with it that way to see how we like it. He moved mom's screen into the LR, we're going to hang in on the wall where the quilt is now and put a narrow table under it. He want us to put a big $400 fountain in the entrance proper. "It's got to look important."
We went on one brief Gordon-Shopping-Trip Friday to look at couches. It looks like a couch and two chairs and one other non-upholstered chair. We all liked the ones in the pictures. We sat and laid in a bunch of couches. We picked some great fabrics but after looking at the fabrics all weekend we think they are too dark. That canceled our rug trip planned for today.
We liked the look of this one but pillows are required for comfort.
We liked this sofa at The Buckhead Sofa Store
And this chair at the same place
We also bought the "thing" in the pictures for $150. Gordon has been eyeing it for a long time and decided it was the very thing for us. I feel like we stole I guess it's the top part of something. We'll get some glass shelves, some bulky "bun" feet, and fill it up with bric-a-brac. We've got lots of junk but no worthy bric-a-brac. I love the thing, JoAnn will learn to love it, I hope.
The "thing" has a mirror back, missing glass shelves,
the right side glass is gone, and it has some cool lighting.
We'll put some big "bun" legs on it at least 4 inches high.
We put it on 2x4's for the time being to simulate the look.
We also bought two $35 iron tables with no top to use as a sofa table behind our new couch and maybe somewhere else.
Gordon also wants us to paint the cathedral part of the ceiling. We're going to faux paint (that's really and exaggeration) some beam like things along the edges and link the rest to the color of our faux fireplace and the rest of the stuff we get. Probably bluish-grayish.
In the meantime he's casing the house for salability. We don't want to sell, but the man is always on a mission. Key advice, don't paint the outside until about 10 minutes before you put it on the market.
Having Gordon is a lot of fun. It would really be fun with some cash.