William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

Corporate Welfare Reform: Saving American Taxpayers $125 Billion Dollars

William Coit
Friday, January 04, 2002

Businessman and 2002 Republican Congressional Candidate William Coit does not beat around the bush in exposing the worst abusers of government corporate welfare programs in his new book, Corporate Welfare Reform: Saving American Taxpayers $125 Billion Dollars.

In fact, he names companies. "Corporate welfare subsidies eat up between $75-$125 billion dollars each year." He documents the top 10 largest corporations who receive "Government Aid to Dependent Corporations." (GADC) In addition, he describes the top 75 corporate subsidy programs. "By eliminating these programs, we could easily save American taxpayers between $375-$625 billion dollars over a five year period." That's more than enough money to fund a "Middle Class Tax Cut." Finally, William Coit states his case for a tax reduction on incomes of $20,000-$65,000 in his "Middle Class Tax Cut, the centerpiece of his campaign message for U.S.Congress Georgia 13.

A brilliant masterpiece that will surely end up on the bestsellers list and will spark heated debates in Washington, D.C. and beyond. You can be among the first 500 readers to get a signed advanced copy of his new book by sending a check or money order in the amount of $24.95. Please include $4.95 for shipping and handling for a total of $29.90. Make checks payable to:

Bayou Teche Publishing
8351 Roswell Rd. Suite 170
Atlanta, Georgia 30350

Thank you for supporting my campaign for U.S.Congress and we will see you at the polls on August 20, 2002.




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You can be among the first 500 readers to get a signed advanced copy of his new book by sending a check or money order in the amount of $24.95. Please include $4.95 for shipping and handling for a total of $29.90. Make checks payable to:

Bayou Teche Publishing
8351 Roswell Rd. Suite 170
Atlanta, Georgia 30350


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Paid For and Authorized by: Committee to Elect William Coit
8351 Roswell Rd. Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30350

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