I'm Terry Kearns and we've lived on Reeder Circle since 1977. I've been mowing and doing minor projects on the Circle since then. Three huge dogwoods filled the circle and it was a beauty.
There have been at least 3 basketball goals, many more backboards since then. The goal was somewhat camouflaged by the trees. Now the goal is the major decorative feature.
These days, the garbage trucks are bigger, we have huge recycling trucks, and occasional construction trucks.
All the trees are dead now from trucks running over the roots. The ruts invite more trucks to drive over the curb and there is pretty much a bare spot where the trucks go. The curb on the east side of the circle was mostly crumbled. Rain produced messy, long lasting red clay puddles.
As much as we love the new water mains installed over the last year, the work destroyed the remaining grass.
The poor circle is a mess while at the same time, Reeder houses and landscapes are getting prettier.
With the help of friends and neighbors I hope to revitalize the circle. Here is what I'm hoping for:
- Inexpensive or free.
- Eliminate the mud puddle effect.
- Provide a way for trucks to get around the circle without leaving ruts and puddles and without destroying vegetation.
- Have a nice tree in the circle as well as other plantings.
- Make it look nice.
The new traffic circle at North Decatur and Lullwater gave me an idea.
I welcome your email and comments.