On frames pages the background color isn't specified. I default my browser to pink background so I can catch the error on my own pages. Yahoo uses the default as well, so Yahoo is pink on my browser
I hate frames, the non-frames page is more appealing to me.
Back button "breaks" on "members" frame page. Back doesn't work unless you've clicked in the big frame. (this is another I hate frames rant)
"Proselect" is not very prominent I think this is a big deal: Proselect and GAJOBS.com need to seem like the same thing.
**Cheap, good, and easy things to do
Ever look at Mindspring's site logs and statistics pages? Is anybody visiting? What are they visiting?
Add a free site search from ATOMZ.com or others. DO THIS!
Add a free forum, Q&A, or comment log from greenspun.com. Easy to do. A way to attract traffic.
Add a free mailing list from greenspun.com for customers, clients, others. Easy to do. Hard part is producing spam that folks will actually read.
Add a free click-through measuring service from greenspun.com for key links (e.g. to client sites).
Is there something (other than job listings) that might make folks want to return here once they have found a job. Things that might distinguish Proselect or Gajobs from the rest? (something new every day or week, current comments from the principals, links to salary surveys, competitors, industry news, job forums, outplacement agencies, geek forums, advice, great resume's, cover letters, value of headhunters, Proselect processes, what to expect, ethics.
Scaling requires a database and or integration with staffing pro (maybe it's already integrated in some way)
What do you favorite employment/recruiting sites do? Which ones do you return to? Are there any sites you look at every day?
** Surprise - What a search revealed
I added an ATOMZ.com search just to demonstrate the value of having a search.
What I didn't expect was that the search revealed serious design and usability issues.
The site listed many jobs on a few HTML pages.
So, if you search for JAVA, you get some hits but the page you find lists the JAVA jobs and all of the other jobs as well.
So, the search really didn't work. To find a JAVA job you would have to use the site search, then you would have to do a page search. (edit/find).