Officers' Pages and Security Tips
Current Morningside Security Patrol Roster
Investigator Ricardo Vazquez, MSP Lead Officer (MSP 10-year veteran)
Investigator Cathy Paula Lyons
Investigator Michael Williams
Sergeant Ben McGee (MSP 10-year veteran)
Sergeant Genaro Sanchez
Sergeant Paul Sparwath
Officer K. Chinyelu, formerly Eric Boone (MSP 10-year veteran)
Officer Vernon Shuffett
Officer Ken Stapler
Officer Dimas Vega
Officer Elizabeth Walters
Featured Officer of the Month
Ricardo Vazquez is a familiar face in our neighborhood. He is one of the officers who helped Martha Curtis and her team organize the Morningside Security Patrol ten years ago. Although one of MSP's original officers, Rick did not take over as the Lead Officer of the Patrol until several years later.
Rick is a 14-year veteran of the Atlanta Police Department. He began as a patrol officer in Zones 2 and 5. Then he was a member of the Field Investigative Team and later a Detective in Intelligence Organized Crime and Narcotics. As a Detective, Rick holds the rank of Investigator and is currently assigned to the DEA Drug Task Force.
Rick enjoys meeting the people in our neighborhood and helping them with their problems and concerns. Morningside used to be his beat so he knows the area well. He has done his share of chasing down criminals and vagrants in the area and has helped MLPA with projects such as the lighting in Lenox-Wildwood Park and the permitting for our annual Celebration of Summer.
Earlier this year Rick purchased the white Ford Taurus that is marked Morningside Patrol, that our officers use most of the time to patrol the neighborhood. The car was purchased and is owned by Rick, not MLPA. Clearly he is dedicated to this job, which by the way is permitted by the APD and operated in accordance with APD Standard Operating Procedures.
Rick is a dedicated family man. He is married to Laura Lee. They have three boys: Alec 10, Austin 6, and Andrew 2.
When he can get away, Rick enjoys deep sea fishing. I recently asked him if he thought the Packers were going to the Super Bowl. He said not if the Dolphins have anything to do with it. Sounds fishy to me.
Security Tips
Your First Call should be 911. If you see any suspicious activity or need to report a crime you must call 911 first.
The Atlanta Police Department officially investigates crimes, not MSP. Our officers are tuned into APD Zone 2 Dispatch so they may receive all calls in the neighborhood and will respond. But calling the MSP office number, or calling an MLPA Board member will not get you a quick or official response to your problem. If a crime goes unreported to the police, then it does not show up in official crime statistics and therefore will affect the APD's resource allocation decisions for our neighborhood. The Public Safety Committee appreciates being advised by members of situations so that they may assist in any follow-up through MSP and with Zone Command. But again, your first call should always to 911. Notify us only after you have called 911.
Activate Your Alarm Systems. If you have a home alarm system, remember to activate it any time you leave home. Some of our residents have left their homes for what they thought would be short periods of time and have not activated their alarms. When they returned, they found they had been burglarized.
Communicate with Your Neighbors. If you are having repair or service work done at your house, make a habit of letting your neighbors know. Many crimes occur with the burglars driving up to homes as contractors or servicemen. Let your neighbors know when you are going out of town and who has permission to be on your property in your absence. Ask them to call the Police (911) if they see anyone else on your property while you are gone.
Fill Out and Submit your MSP Vacation Request Cards. If you are a member of MSP, be sure to fill out a vacation security request card whenever you are going away on vacation, because of an emergency, or if you are temporarily moving out of your home while it is undergoing renovations.
Keep Your Contact and Monitoring Information Up To Date. If you have an alarm system in your house that is monitored either by your alarm company or a separate monitoring company, make sure all your contact information is up to date.
This includes the 911 information. Make sure that the alarm monitoring company knows in which political jurisdiction you reside: City of Atlanta - Fulton County; City of Atlanta - DeKalb County; or unincorporated Dekalb County.
It has come to our attention that alarm companies get mixed up about this and call DeKalb County 911 instead of City of Atlanta or visa versa. This can hinder timely response from the appropriate jurisdiction to an alarm sounded in your home.
Turn Lights on in Your Home.
The days are getting shorter. It means that it is dark earlier. If you are going out for the evening make sure that you leave some lights on in your home. Maybe leave a radio or even a TV on. Burglars are more likely to break into a dark house than a lit one or one with signs that persons may be home. This becomes especially important during the holiday season when thieves are out cruising for opportunities.
If you are going away put some lights on timers. Timers that can vary turn-on and turnoff times by 5-30 minutes may be the most effective. If this is not possible, perhaps a friend or neighbor taking care of your pets or plants can turn them on and off for you.
Do Not Leave Valuables in Your Vehicles Overnight. Just a reminder that you should not leave valuables in your vehicles overnight, especially if you are parked in the street or in the driveway. This becomes even more imperative as the holidays approach. Packages, briefcases, purses, CDs, and tapes left out in the open on your car seats or floors are easy pickings for unsavory passersby to smash a car window and quickly make off with those items. You will not discover the damage to your vehicle or that items are missing until you go out to the car the next morning.
Christmas Trees and Presents in your Windows
Christmas trees displayed or that can be seen from windows are common sights during the holiday season. As Christmas approaches presents under the trees may also be seen. As festive and cheery as this may be, it can be an invitation to burglars. If you can, it is a good idea to put presents under the tree at the last possible minute. If you do leave packages under the tree which can be seen from your front windows and leave the house to visit or to go to church or pick up a last minute item, then draw your curtains or blinds so the packages are not visible from the street.
And of course, if you are an MSP member, submit a vacation request to have the patrol monitor your home while you are away.
Check back often for additional tips.